Technical Detail Guides

Vertical Fixing Pond Liner

Vertical Fixing Pond Liner

When you want to fix your pond liner to a vertical wall, you will need to fix the liner to the face of the wall   It is important to...

Vertical Fixing Pond Liner

When you want to fix your pond liner to a vertical wall, you will need to fix the liner to the face of the wall   It is important to...

Guide to Butyl Pond Liner

Guide to Butyl Pond Liner

  Butyl pond liner has been a stalwart of the UK pond lining market for over 50 years Butyl rubber has many of the properties required for high quality, long-lasting...

Guide to Butyl Pond Liner

  Butyl pond liner has been a stalwart of the UK pond lining market for over 50 years Butyl rubber has many of the properties required for high quality, long-lasting...

Pond Liner Repair

Pond Liner Repair

How to successfully repair the pond liner Although pond liners are durable (especially when used with protective matting), they can occasionally get holes in them from a displaced stone or...

Pond Liner Repair

How to successfully repair the pond liner Although pond liners are durable (especially when used with protective matting), they can occasionally get holes in them from a displaced stone or...

Pond Drainage

Pond Drainage

Pond drainage systems should be considered when thinking about a pond project   Occasionally water or gas may get trapped underneath your liner. This is especially likely if your pond...

Pond Drainage

Pond drainage systems should be considered when thinking about a pond project   Occasionally water or gas may get trapped underneath your liner. This is especially likely if your pond...

Detailing Pipes

Detailing Pipes

Pipes entering a pond need to be properly sealed to ensure there is no leakage around them. There are 3 options for detailing pipes. FormFlash This is the simplest method...

Detailing Pipes

Pipes entering a pond need to be properly sealed to ensure there is no leakage around them. There are 3 options for detailing pipes. FormFlash This is the simplest method...

Waterfalls and Streams

Waterfalls and Streams

How to use a pond liner with Waterfalls and Streams  Waterfalls and streams not only add interest to pond design, but they also assist with water aeration, reducing bacterial growth...

Waterfalls and Streams

How to use a pond liner with Waterfalls and Streams  Waterfalls and streams not only add interest to pond design, but they also assist with water aeration, reducing bacterial growth...