How To Care For Your Pond This Autumn

How To Care For Your Pond This Autumn

As we transition into autumn following the autumn equinox on 22nd September, we say goodbye to the long summer days, it’s time to start preparing for the cooler months ahead. The air is crisp, the trees are ablaze with colour, and your pond is likely collecting more than its fair share of leaves, it's the perfect time to give your pond some much-needed attention. Getting stuck into some early/pre-autumn maintenance ensures that your pond stays healthy throughout the colder months and is ready to bloom again come spring. Here are some essential (and easy!) tips to keep your pond in tip-top shape this season.


Clear Those Leaves!

While autumn leaves may be nice to look at, they’re less than desirable when clogging up your pond. Fallen leaves and debris can sink to the bottom, where they’ll start to decay, potentially harming your water quality. A simple pond net will save you from hours of work later. Skim those leaves regularly, or better yet, get a pond cover to keep them out in the first place – and with this in mind, we’ve made our September special offer the Blagdon clearview cover net – You’re welcome!


Cut Back Plants

Your pond’s plants have likely thrived all summer, but when temperatures drop, it’s time to give them a little trim. Prune back any overgrown marginal plants and remove dead or dying foliage from aquatic plants. This prevents them from rotting in the water, which can release unwanted nutrients and throw your pond’s ecosystem out of balance. Plus, a tidy pond looks much better.


Check Your Pond Equipment

Your pump, filter, and any other pond gadgets work hard year-round, so now’s the time to give them some TLC. Ensure everything is running smoothly, clean out filters, and check for any signs of wear and tear. If your pump is on the older side, autumn is a great time to consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model before winter hits. If you need some inspiration, check out our range here!


Manage Water Quality

With the change in weather, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your pond’s water quality. A quick check of pH levels and other key factors like ammonia and nitrites will let you know if any adjustments are needed. A balanced pond is a happy pond, after all!



Prepare for Colder Weather

While we’re not quite in the depths of winter yet, it's worth getting ready for those frosty mornings. If your pond is small or shallow, freezing can become an issue. Consider using a pond heater or an aerator to prevent the surface from completely freezing over. This helps keep a steady oxygen exchange, ensuring any fish or wildlife can continue to breathe even when the temperatures drop.


Feed Fish Sparingly

Once water temperatures start to fall below 10°C, your fish’s metabolism slows down. While it’s tempting to keep feeding them, overfeeding can lead to excess food decaying in the pond, affecting water quality. Reduce feeding as the weather cools, and when the water drops below 5°C, it’s time to stop feeding altogether. Don't worry, your fish will be fine— they’ve adapted to slow down during colder months.


Check Your Pond Liner

Now’s a good time to inspect the condition of your pond liner for any signs of wear, especially if you’ve experienced some heavy rain or colder snaps already. Small tears or punctures can be fixed before they become bigger issues when winter sets in – Pond Liner Repair Kit


Think Ahead to Spring

Once you’ve done your autumn tidy-up, it’s worth thinking ahead to spring. Perhaps you’ve been dreaming of adding some new plants or fish or maybe expanding your pond. Now’s a great time to make those plans so you're ready to jump into action once the warmer weather returns.

By following these simple autumn pond tips, you’ll keep your water feature looking its best all season long. A little maintenance now will go a long way in ensuring your pond is ready to thrive when spring arrives.

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